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Read online book The Scofield Study Bible III (2005, Hardcover) in FB2, EPUB, DJV


The Scofield Study Bible III offers an unparalleled package of tools designed to enrich the study of God's unchanging Word. Augmented--not revised--with charts and sidebar articles in an easy-to-use format, it is one of the clearest and most accessible versions available today. Clean, clear text, and array of supplementary materials make this affordable bible a perfect choice for gift-giving or individual study. Each volume includes a presentation page for gift giving, a full-color map section, and attractive binding in a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Each bible is attractively bound and printed, yet is durable and made to withstand daily use. Most important, the Scofield Study Bible III NIV includes all of the study and reference features that made it the preferred study bible for generations of readers. It includes cross references that link topics and words together, introductions to the various books of the Bible, a superb system of chain references, the concordance, study notes, charts and diagrams, a subject and a proper name index, and much more. This style's Duradera binding is pleasing to the eye and strong enough to withstand heavy use. These books have sturdy zipper closures that provide an extra measure of protection for the page edges, a feature that travelers, hospital visitors, and anyone who has ever had their Bible damaged while carrying it in a purse or briefcase will appreciate. * An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system. * Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists. * Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book. * An expanded Subject index. * Study not biblical references are in "chapter-and-verse" format. * Side-column references are grouped by chapter and verse. * Over 550 in-text definitions of proper nouns for people and place names. * Nearly 70 in-text black and white maps and charts. * In-text articles of nearly 250 notes crucial to understanding theScofield . * Indexes to Proper Nouns, Chain References, and Subjects. * 14 pages of accurate, full color New Oxford Bible Maps (with index of places and natural features). * Bottom-of-the-page study notes. * Sectional headings. * Select NIV Concordance., The Scofield(r) Study Bible III offers an unparalleled package of tools designed to enrich the study of God's unchanging Word. Augmented--not revised--with charts and sidebar articles in an easy-to-use format, it is one of the clearest and most accessible versions available today. Clean, clear text, and array of supplementary materials make this affordable bible a perfect choice for gift-giving or individual study. Each volume includes a presentation page for gift giving, a full-color map section, and attractive binding in a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Each bible is attractively bound and printed, yet is durable and made to withstand daily use. Most important, the Scofield(r) Study Bible III NIV includes all of the study and reference features that made it the preferred study bible for generations of readers. It includes cross references that link topics and words together, introductions to the various books of the Bible, a superb system of chain references, the concordance, study notes, charts and diagrams, a subject and a proper name index, and much more. This style's Duradera binding is pleasing to the eye and strong enough to withstand heavy use. These books have sturdy zipper closures that provide an extra measure of protection for the page edges, a feature that travelers, hospital visitors, and anyone who has ever had their Bible damaged while carrying it in a purse or briefcase will appreciate. * An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system. * Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists. * Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book. * An expanded Subject index. * Study not biblical references are in "chapter-and-verse" format. * Side-column references are grouped by chapter and verse. * Over 550 in-text definitions of proper nouns for people and place names. * Nearly 70 in-text black and white maps and charts. * In-text articles of nearly 250 notes crucial to understanding the Scofield(r). * Indexes to Proper Nouns, Chain References, and Subjects. * 14 pages of accurate, full color New Oxford Bible Maps (with index of places and natural features). * Bottom-of-the-page study notes. * Sectional headings. * Select NIV Concordanc, The Scofield® Study Bible III offers an unparalleled package of tools designed to enrich the study of God's unchanging Word. Augmented--not revised--with charts and sidebar articles in an easy-to-use format, it is one of the clearest and most accessible versions available today. Clean, clear text, and array of supplementary materials make this affordable bible a perfect choice for gift-giving or individual study. Each volume includes a presentation page for gift giving, a full-color map section, and attractive binding in a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Each bible is attractively bound and printed, yet is durable and made to withstand daily use. Most important, the Scofield® Study Bible III NIV includes all of the study and reference features that made it the preferred study bible for generations of readers. It includes cross references that link topics and words together, introductions to the various books of the Bible, a superb system of chain references, the concordance, study notes, charts and diagrams, a subject and a proper name index, and much more. This style's Duradera binding is pleasing to the eye and strong enough to withstand heavy use. These books have sturdy zipper closures that provide an extra measure of protection for the page edges, a feature that travelers, hospital visitors, and anyone who has ever had their Bible damaged while carrying it in a purse or briefcase will appreciate. * An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system. * Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists. * Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book. * An expanded Subject index. * Study not biblical references are in "chapter-and-verse" format. * Side-column references are grouped by chapter and verse. * Over 550 in-text definitions of proper nouns for people and place names. * Nearly 70 in-text black and white maps and charts. * In-text articles of nearly 250 notes crucial to understanding the Scofield®. * Indexes to Proper Nouns, Chain References, and Subjects. * 14 pages of accurate, full color New Oxford Bible Maps (with index of places and natural features). * Bottom-of-the-page study notes. * Sectional headings. * Select NIV Concordance., The Scofield� Study Bible III offers an unparalleled package of tools designed to enrich the study of God's unchanging Word. Augmented--not revised--with charts and sidebar articles in an easy-to-use format, it is one of the clearest and most accessible versions available today. Clean, clear text, and array of supplementary materials make this affordable bible a perfect choice for gift-giving or individual study. Each volume includes a presentation page for gift giving, a full-color map section, and attractive binding in a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Each bible is attractively bound and printed, yet is durable and made to withstand daily use. Most important, the Scofield� Study Bible III NIV includes all of the study and reference features that made it the preferred study bible for generations of readers. It includes cross references that link topics and words together, introductions to the various books of the Bible, a superb system of chain references, the concordance, study notes, charts and diagrams, a subject and a proper name index, and much more. This style's Duradera binding is pleasing to the eye and strong enough to withstand heavy use. These books have sturdy zipper closures that provide an extra measure of protection for the page edges, a feature that travelers, hospital visitors, and anyone who has ever had their Bible damaged while carrying it in a purse or briefcase will appreciate. * An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system. * Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists. * Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book. * An expanded Subject index. * Study not biblical references are in "chapter-and-verse" format. * Side-column references are grouped by chapter and verse. * Over 550 in-text definitions of proper nouns for people and place names. * Nearly 70 in-text black and white maps and charts. * In-text articles of nearly 250 notes crucial to understanding the Scofield�. * Indexes to Proper Nouns, Chain References, and Subjects. * 14 pages of accurate, full color New Oxford Bible Maps (with index of places and natural features). * Bottom-of-the-page study notes. * Sectional headings. * Select NIV Concordance., This edition combines the renowned Scofield study notes and reference system with the New International Version, one of the most popular modern Bible translations. But that's not all: The fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection on the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) to make the ideas underlying the ScofieldRG Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depthand richness to study time. Enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes broaden the context of the reader's understanding. This style's Duradera binding is pleasing to the eye and strong enough to withstand heavy use. These books have sturdy zipper closures that provide an extra measure of protection for the page edges, a feature that travelers, hospital visitors, and anyone who has ever had their Bible damaged while carrying it in apurse or briefcase will appreciate., This edition combines the renowned ScofieldRG notes and reference system with the New International Version, one of the most popular modern Bible translations. In it, the fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection upon the Word of God has been augmented (not revised) to make the ideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. Enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes broaden the context of the reader's understanding. Everything about this edition has been designed to encourage serious Bible study. First-time students and seasoned believers alike will find this volume to be a trustworthy guide to the panorama of God's plan of salvation.

The Scofield Study Bible III (2005, Hardcover) read online ebook TXT, DJV

FEATURES: King James Version Over 300 new Life Application notes and significant revisions to nearly 350 others 16 new personality profiles Most charts revised to clarify meaning and importance, plus eight all-new charts New information on the intertestamental period Christian Worker's Resource: A special supplement to enhance the reader's ministry effectiveness 7.7 font size Includes How to Become a Believer'Outlines the basic steps and verses to guide someone to faith in Christ How to Follow Up with a New Believer'Provides 14 discussion points to use when discipling a new Christian Mining the Treasures of the LASB'Includes frequently asked questions in 25 different categories and a map to the various Life Application notes that answer them So You've Been Asked to Speak'Offers advice on preparing a talk or Bible study using the many features of the Life Application Study BibleBig study Bibles are fine for home and office use, but people on the move need the UltraSlim-the New King James Bible that goes anywhere you go with style!It was completed in Mainz, Germany, around 1455 and for centuries has held special significance for all bibliophiles and historians of the book.That's why the Extreme Teen " Bible is offered in the NKJV and now the NCV translation of the Bible!Thin and lightweight, Thomas Nelson's UltraSlim" Bible boasts a complete and easy-to-read Bible that is ready to go when you are!The Bible includes a presentation page and gift slipcase., In response to customer demand, Cambridge is publishing a new binding of the NIV Pocket Cross-Reference Bible with a zip fastener.An index to all the study materials.This two-disk set may be used on both Windows and Macintosh computers with CD-ROM drives.In response to customer demand, Cambridge is publishing a binding of the NIV Pocket Cross-Reference Bible with a zip fastener.It is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts.This relevant Bible provides teens with answers that help them understand their African-American Christian roots while learning more about God s Word.This ten-volume series uncovers the exciting real-life story of the Bible.The Jewish Study Bible uses The Jewish Publication Society TANAKH Translation.C. I. Scofield's decades ofreflection upon the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) to make theideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modernreaders.